Use this tag to apply to pages that are relate to WikiFixitGroup goals, which might include things like notes on FreeBSD Wiki improvements.
To add a page to this category, add a link to this page on the last line of the page. You can add multiple categories to a page.
List of pages in this category:
- CategoryStale
- DevSummit/202309
- DevSummit/202409
- MarkLinimon/WikiGoals
- MarkLinimon/WikiNotes
- MarkLinimon/WikiWorkArea
- OrphanedPages
- RandomPage
- Wiki/About
- Wiki/About/MoinMoin
- Wiki/Contributing
- Wiki/Guidelines
- Wiki/NextGeneration
- WikiAdmin
- WikiFixitGroup
- WikiFixitGroup/WorkArea
- WikiFixitGroup/WorkArea/FrontPageRedesign
- WikiFixitGroup/WorkArea/NewWiki
- WikiFixitGroup/WorkArea/UpgradingRecaptcha
- WikiHistory