Here are the goals of the WikiFixitGroup:
- Make pages browsable via the fewest clicks possible.
Thus, refactor the front page content into second-level pages. Only if necessary, into third-level pages.
Keep the content fresh, or mark it stale if not.
Add more entries to CategoryCategory to provide another way to browse.
Decisions to make
New article naming: spaces? underbars? dashes? CamelCase? Currently there is a mix.
User preference: [ ] Add spaces to displayed wiki names adds spaces to CamelCasedArticles, particularly in <title>. Not sure if there's a global option for this
Higher SEO/Google ranking value for spaces or dashes. CamelCase ranks way lower than Camel Case for Camel Case keyword search
Also see Short URL
- Page naming conventions
- Should every wiki page fall into some sort of Category? (Or perhaps just enforce it for leaf pages?)
Idea for discussion: if a page is in CategoryStale or CategoryHistorical, remove it from one of the active Categories -- e.g. encourage only active pages in the most user-friendly Categories.
Consolidate pages that are "about" the wiki, which are currently scattered (MarkLinimon)
Wiki/About and its rework, MarkLinimon/WikiWorkArea
- this page
Try to minimize the list of OrphanedPages. These pages don't fit in the hierarchy.
- NB: things that are referenced by iterators show up in this page as false positives. Beware!
WantedPages: the list of non-existing pages including a list of the pages where they are referred to.
Evaluate AbandonedPages for staleness. (It's kind of a misnomer, though.)
Specific tasks that need further explanation.
Remove all wiki references to query-pr