We are currently in the process of setting up a team to administer the wiki content. (see Organization, below.)

For now, please send any reports about issues with the content of the wiki or suggestions for improvement of content to the FreeBSD doc mailing list.


The goal of this wiki is to supplement the FreeBSD Handbook and other documentation with information that either:

In addition, we want to be able to lower the barrier of entry for new contributors who find the markup of the above to be confusing.

Initially the wiki was only open to FreeBSD developers. The new goal is to open it up for wider community use.

To do that, there are several considerations:

If you are considering contributing, please help us out by keeping these goals in mind:


Wiki accounts are maintained by the Cluster Administration team (clusteradm@). You can poke them if you have problems with the wiki (e.g. lost password etc.).

FreeBSD developers automatically have accounts on the wiki. Other contributors can be added by request of a developer. The reason we do not allow automated account creation (yet) is due to the spam accounts that otherwise swamp everything.

To get access to edit pages please have a developer email clusteradm@ on your behalf. Note that moinmoin (the wiki software) uses the convention of FirstLast name (e.g. SimonNielsen) for user names, so it's preferred if people follow this style. Thereafter you need someone who is already in DevelopersGroup to add you to the ContributorsGroup page to allow access to edit pages. If you are a new committer, ask your mentor to do this.

All new accounts must be vouched for by a committer who must use their PGP key to communicate with clusteradm@ to set up the account.

Accounts are of the following two types:

Developers can edit all the pages of the wiki that are not private to certain teams. Contributors may only edit a subset of those pages.


The wiki's organization has, in general, has been chaotic. Traditionally, new, interesting, links were just added to the FrontPage. There is an effort underway to bring some order to the chaos. MarkLinimon and KubilayKocak are working on helping to organize this effort.

Please, when you create a new page, link it from your default user page (you may have to create that as well). Then, before adding a link to the new page somewhere, contact this group if you have a question about where it should go.

Some interesting places to start looking (other than the front page):

Twisty Little Passages

Attempts to detail the state of the disorganization:


Implementation Details

Other notes

CategoryWiki CategoryStale

MarkLinimon/WikiWorkArea (last edited 2023-11-12T23:36:16+0000 by MarkLinimon)