The package management tool for FreeBSD.
Essential manual pages:
pkg(7) – integral to FreeBSD, primarily for bootstrapping
pkg(8) – best known, with features available as a result of bootstrapping.
In FreshPorts:
In GitHub:
- issues and pull requests (PRs) that are complementary to bug reports (BRs also known as PRs) in Bugzilla.
pkg-alias(8) is amongst the valuable pages that are sometimes overlooked.
ports-mgmt/pkg-provides can be plugged in to pkg. An example:
% pkg provides bin/mkntfs$ Name : fusefs-ntfs-2017.3.23 Desc : Mount NTFS partitions (read/write) and disk images Repo : FreeBSD Filename: usr/local/sbin/mkntfs %
– for more examples, see pkg-provides(8).
BRs can be found and created through FreshPorts.
pkg_info, pkg_create and pkg_add were used for registration of local packages and provision of remote packages.
pkgng provided a new generation (ng) of commands.
pkgng became known as pkg.