Yanjun Wu

Yanjun Wu is from Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences1, currently on his way for Ph.D of computer science. Now he is honored to be the Google Summer of Code student and directed by Robert Watson for SEBSD project.


has been done

  1. Building up local LXR for FreeBSD 5.4 source code.
  2. Branch the SEBSD src to local p4 workspace.
  3. Install and Testing the SEBSD-20050614 distribution.
  4. Write the "Getting Started with SEBSD HOWTO", together with Chinese Version available.

doing now

Add and modify SEBSD core policies.


Adding timing constraint support for constraint configuration.

Relevant URLs


  1. SITE_UNAVAILABLE NXDOMAIN 2022-10-06 (1 2)

YanjunWu (last edited 2022-10-06T00:55:18+0000 by KubilayKocak)