It was the second week, so much agitated . I moved in this week, not so hard because it was in the same street, but it was a change. So, I getting more and more knowledge... Even though the troubles I get some concrete!
- Re-write the previous prototype, using the controlling structures of TCP.
- Make a summary, submit the sources, feedback, control tasks.
- [Tentatively] implement some set of tcp options negotiation scripts.
> *Re-write the previous prototype, using the controlling structures of TCP.
- done, George(the project mentor) suggested use unittest and I accepted, no doubt.
- I elicited every structure used in tcp and ip, and trought analisys I decided to make a simple tcb using a lot of dictionaries*, making high scalable and easy to understand.
- The use of unittest was wonderful, I used setUp method* to make my simple tcb and the major enhancement was the creation of a set of assertions, eg. assertSyn, assertSequencePresent, assertEspectedSequence, so on..
dictionaries* = structure used in python, like java maps. Its works using key:value principle.
. code example:
- . tcb.port = {here:58635, there:9} #9=discard
- . tcp.sport=tcb.port[here]
. tcp.dport=tcb.port[there]
setUp method* = method used to set up the test that will be invoked. Connect with mysql for instance.
> *Make a summary, submit the sources, feedback, control tasks.
- done.
> *[Tentatively] implement some set of tcp options negotiation scripts.
- unfortunately no.
The use of unittest. http://docs.python.org/lib/module-unittest.html
- Creation of assertions and tcb
Next Week
- create new release
implement some set of tcp options negotiation test scripts.
- make a summary, submit the sources, feedback, control tasks
- The latest pcs version don't work in my environment, yet! :|
Base Knowledgment
- unittest is ideal to prototype development
- Links: (see acknowledgments)
http://www.iwl.com/maxwell-emulation/tcp-ip.html?Itemid=187 (broken). Possible alternative page: https://web.archive.org/web/20071224113949/http://www.iwl.com/maxwell-emulation/tcp-ip.html?Itemid=187
Andre Oppermann and Sam Leffler they sent above links.
George Neville-Neil the project mentor, for accurate participation specially this week.