We need to express the following
- How to install the uboot bits
- UFS partition and size
- MSDOSFS partition and size
- EFI partition and size
- Reserved space at the beginning (for dd'ing in blocks)
- Mix of the above
Use UCL to express:
- List of files go to a destination via copy or dd..
- Partition layout / types / sizes
Something like
config_version = 1 board = "All BeagleBone Boards" reserved = "2MB" hasFat = "yes" fatType = "fat32" fatSize = 2MB fatPartType = "!16" fatFiles = ["u-boot.img" "uBootEnv.txt" ] hasUFS = "yes" fixedData = "yes" fixedSize = 128k fixedLocations = [ 0x100, 0x200, 0x300 ] fixedFile = "u-boot-spl.img"