FreeBSD Summer of Code 2009 Projects

FreeBSD was pleased to participate in Summer of Code 2009. This year, we had 20 student proposals accepted:

AdityaSarawgi, Improving Second Extended File system (ext2fs) and making it GPL free (Mentor: UlfLilleengen)

AlejandroPulver, Ports license infrastructure (part 2: integration) (Mentor: ErwinLansing)

AnaKukec, IPv6 Secure Neighbor Discovery - native kernel APIs for FreeBSD (Mentor: BjoernZeeb)

DavidForsythe, Package tools rewrite via a new package library, with new features (Mentor: TimKientzle)

EdwardTomaszNapierala, Hierarchical Resource Limits (Mentor: BrooksDavis)

FabioChecconi, Geom-based Disk Schedulers (Mentor: LuigiRizzo)

FangWang, Implement TCP UTO (Mentor: RuiPaulo)

GáborKövesdán, BSD-licensed libiconv in base system (Mentor: XinLi)

GlebKurtsov, In kernel stacked cryptographic filesystem (pefs) (Mentor: StanislavSedov)

IliasMarinos, Application-Specific Audit Trails (Mentor: RobertWatson)

MartaCarbone, Ipfw and dummynet improvements (Mentor: LuigiRizzo)

NikhilBysani, Porting NetworkManager to FreeBSD (Mentor: EdSchouten)

PáliGáborJános, Design and Implementation of Subsystem Support Libraries for Monitoring and Management (Mentor: OleksandrTymoshenko)

PrashantVaibhav, Reworking the callout scheme: towards a tickless kernel (Mentor: EdMaste)

SatishSrinivasan, TrustedBSD Audit: Developing BSD licensed tools for importing, exporting from/to Linux audit log format and BSM (Mentor: StaceySon)

SylvestreGallon, USB improvements under FreeBSD (Mentor: PhilipPaeps)

TatsianaElavaya, ipfw ruleset optimization and highlevel rule definition language (Mentor: DiomidisSpinellis)

TatsianaSeveryna, puffs (pass-to-userspace framework file system) port for FreeBSD (Mentor: KonstantinBelousov)

ZachariahRiggle, TCP-IP Regression Testing Suite (Mentor: GeorgeNevilleNeil)

ZhaoShuai, FIFO Optimizations (Mentor: JohnBaldwin)


SummerOfCode2009Projects (last edited 2020-02-09T04:57:43+0000 by KubilayKocak)