Dell Latitude E7470
Hardware Overview
- CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6600U CPU @ 2.60GHz (2808.14-MHz K8-class CPU)
Wireless: Intel Dual Band Wireless AC 8260, supported by iwm(4), works
Wired Ethernet: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Connection 7.6.1-k, supported by em(4), works
Graphics: Intel Skylake, supported by drm-next branch, works with some issues with external connectors
- Sound: Realtek ALC293, works, also correctly detects plugging in the headphones
- Suspend/resume: untested
- Fn keys: only toggling keyboard backlight works; other keys (volume, display brightness, wifi toggle) do not
Config required
- Add kld_list="if_iwm" to /etc/rc.conf
Display brightness is too high by default. It can be tuned with, but it's reset when display goes to sleep. I've ended up by tuning it in the BIOS.
- May also add coretemp to kld_list
- Problems with plugging/unplugging external monitors
- You may need to restart xorg to make all external video outputs detected
- When you disconnect all external outputs you cannot get them back until reboot
Don't forget to add your user to video group for xrandr to work properly
- Removing xorg.conf is also recommended, as having it may interfere with dynamic detection of external displays and lead to system panics.