Testing & Verification
- Framework
- Formal Verification / Specification
- Fuzzing
- TESLA and annotations
- Community Acceptance of all this / socialization
- Self testing / Testing submissions automatically
- Unit Testing
- FreeBSD As A Test (FAAT)
- lld implemented what is needed to link the FreeBSD kernel as a development target
- FreeBSD as an early LLVM adopter drove lots of work in LLVM
- How does testing work now?
- 6000 tests, currently passing
- Need documentation to push people to getting started writing tests
Actions and Collaborations
- Boot FreeBSD on VIA Sim (Warren)
- Increase test coverage (map?) (brooks)
- Kyua Docs / Quickstarts (ngie / gnn)
- xunit?
- POSIX FS SibylFS import
Example annotations & tests(Jonathan Anderson)
- Test Upstreaming?
- libcrunchy
Failpoints -> DTrace? (benno)
- Testing summit @ BSDCan(?)
Thoughtworks Go http://go.cd
- make(1) target for AFL
- PCS Fuzzing? (gnn)