FreeBSD Developer Summit, November 2, 2012
Yahoo! Corporate Offices, Sunnyvale, CA USA |
MeetBSD CA 2012
MeetBSD 2012 takes place between 3 - 4 November 2012.
All attendees are encouraged to attend MeetBSD, as well as present their work.
The conference was located at the Yahoo! Corporate Offices, Building C, Conference Center. Remember that you must separately register for MeetBSD (but only if you are not a MeetBSD speaker); visit the MeetBSD web page for details where you can buy tickets for MeetBSD or register for the devsummit.
Travel Information
Approaching the Event Site
For those who are traveling to the meeting you may want to check out one of these three hotels, which are located not far from the summit venue.
Sheraton Sunnyvale 1100 North Mathilda Ave Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Sundowner Inn 504 Ross Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94089 (408) 734-9900
Quality Inn & Suites Sunnyvale 940 West Weddell Drive Sunnyvale, CA 94089 (408) 734-3742
Bug List
Note that many of attendees of the summit hang out on #devsummit on EFnet during the event (as well as the conference itself). Feel free to join!
The developer summit spans three days, with a mixture of hacking, working group meetings, and presentations. It takes place on the 3rd and 4th of November (on the same days as the MeetBSD tutorials).
Rough Schedule
The current general plan is as follows.
(Do not edit this section yourself unless asked to.)
Date |
Civilized Breakfast and Coffee |
Socialize and Introductions |
Morning Session #1 |
Morning Session #2 |
Lunch |
Afternoon Session #1 |
Afternoon Session #2 |
Wrap Ups |
Friday 2 |
Yahoo Building C -- Conference Center |
Yahoo Building C -- Homepage |
Working Groups |
Working Groups |
Yahoo Building C -- Conference Center |
Working Groups |
Working Groups |
Working Group Leader Reports |
Saturday 3 |
MeetBSD CA 2012 |
Hacking Lounge |
Hacking Lounge |
Sunday 4 |
MeetBSD CA 2012 |
Hacking Lounge |
Hacking Lounge |
Detailed Schedule
(Do not edit this section yourself unless asked to.)
Friday, 2 November 2012
Track 1 |
Track 2 |
Location |
Classroom 4 Homepage |
Classroom 5 Pioneer |
08:00 - 09:30 |
Civilized Breakfast and Coffee |
09:30 - 10:00 |
Socialize and Introductions |
10:00 - 11:00 |
Clusteradm Working Group Session 1 |
Presentation Session 1 |
11:00 - 12:00 |
Documentation Working Group Session 2 |
Installation and Media Working Group Session 2 |
12:00 - 13:00 |
Lunch on the house |
Lunch on the house |
13:00 - 14:00 |
Virtualization Working Group Session 3 |
Desktop Working Group Session 3 |
14:00 - 15:00 |
HBA and RAID Working Group Session 4 |
Ports Working Group Session 4 |
15:00 - 15:30 |
Free Block / Decompression |
15:30 - 16:00 |
Working Group Leader Reports |
Working Groups
These sessions are intended to get developers with common areas of interest or specific projects in mind together for collaboration and hacking. They might involve prepared presentations, structured code reading, or a notebook-assisted whiteboard session. Advance preparation for such events is critical so everyone comes to the table with the right reading done so you can get to the meat of the matter.
A dedicated sub-page will be created for each group to be populated by its leader(s) (see the template), that is where the details (e.g. prepared materials, a proposed schedule or the list of potential attendees) can be found later. There will be short report given on the results of each group at the Developer Summit track (on Saturday).
(Do not edit this section yourself unless asked to.)
Topic |
Leaders |
Brief Description |
Goal |
Days |
Notes |
sbruno |
Virtualization and Tools |
Game plan for Bhyve, Xen and Dogfood |
Friday |
dteske,jpaetzel |
Installer Software and Media Formats |
Discuss current/future software used to install FreeBSD and possible new media-format support |
Friday |
Ports Working Group |
Discuss current state of ports on FreeBSD |
Friday |
The new world of ZFS and non-RAID and HBA Tech |
Recommendations for HBA friendly things |
Friday |
dru |
Documentation working group |
Work on stuff needed for print edition of Handbook |
Friday |
kmoore |
Desktops and Laptops |
Look over list of things from Desktop Working Group at Previous Sessions |
Friday |
BenHaga (bhaga) | resource management |
Current state of the cluster, current wants and needs in the cluster |
Friday |
Tell us about your latest project, brainstorm on solutions to a hard problem, train us to use a new tool, make observations about a FreeBSD development process and how to improve it, tell us how your company uses FreeBSD, or coordinate activities! But, please do not duplicate a talk that you are giving at MeetBSD.
If you would like to give a short talk in the Developer Summit track at MeetBSD, please e-mail us so we can add it to the talk table here. Talk slots are about 20 minutes long, including discussions.
The deadline for talk submissions is 29 October.
(Do not edit this section yourself unless asked to.)
Title |
Speaker |
Description |
Slides, Notes |
Armoring FreeBSD for Enterprise Business |
Discuss various aspects and tools designed to armor the FreeBSD operating system w/respect to rescue/recovery, management, deployment and much more. Discuss tools such as FreeBSD Druid, DruidBSD, bsdconfig, sysrc, host_rebuild, boot loader menu enhancements and more. |
55 mins. |
Note to Presenters
If you are in trouble with preparing your slides, you could use the template attached to the page. It contains a LaTeX source file that you can modify to create PDF slides for the FreeBSD Developer Summit. It uses the Beamer class which is an easy-to-use extension to LaTeX for making presentations. You can easily install it by the following command (as root):
# pkg_add -r latex-beamer
or, with PkgNG:
# pkg install latex-beamer
This will install Beamer and pdfLaTeX that can be used for compiling the sources to produce the desired PDF file.
$ pdflatex my-presentation.latex
A few rule-of-thumbs when creating slides:
- Try to make things legible, use large fonts.
- Have title and closing.
- Use less text, you do not have to include everything on the slides. (Prepare and) Do a demonstration if needed.
- You have only a limited amount of time, having only 1 slide per minute (in addition to title and closing) is usually fine.
- Sometimes images can tell more than pure text.
- Discussions and meetings are the place where you might want to talk about the details.
Contact us if you have questions or problems.
In order to attend, you must register in advance; this allows us to size rooms, order food, provide beverages, and make dinner reservations. We appreciate your cooperation in letting us know your plans well in advance of the event. Non-committers must be sponsored by a committer in order to attend. Due to increased attandence in recent years, companies are limited to one non-committer unless permission is explicitly granted by the organizers.
A registration fee is charged for all attendees in order to cover the costs of the summit (rooms, internet access, snacks, drinks, lunch, use of A/V equipment, badge, shirt). This fee is USD $45 per day. Note that this fee does not include the tutorials so they have to be paid separately.
Here is a list of the attendees and their guests at the summit.
Developer Attendees
(Please keep sorted alphabetically by last name.)
Name |
FreeBSD ID |
Dinner |
Notes |
Reg. |
jsa |
yes |
sbruno |
yes |
organizer |
adrian |
yes |
julian |
yes |
jasone |
no |
Observer |
sjg |
maybe |
grehan |
yes |
bhaga |
yes |
organizer |
jhibbits |
yes |
davide |
yes |
mjacob |
no |
Observer |
kientzle |
yes |
delphij |
yes |
linimon |
yes |
marcel |
maybe |
kmoore |
maybe |
neel |
maybe |
mav |
maybe |
obrien |
yes |
jpaetzel |
yes |
Navdeep Parhar |
np |
maybe |
alfred |
yes |
dteske |
yes |
rwatson |
maybe |
peter |
no |
Guest Attendees
Developers were welcome to invite guests to attend the developer summit, subject to their tolerance for ceaseless hours of kernel hacking, and availability of space at the venue.
(Please keep sorted alphabetically by last name.)
Name |
Affiliation |
Host |
Notes |
Reg. |
Call For Testing |
sbruno |
iXsystems/Docs |
kmoore |
iXsystems |
delphij |
ADAM David Alan Martin |
jhibbits |
eSentire |
sbruno |
iXsystems |
delphij |
Yahoo/Kernel Team |
sbruno |
Veg |
Vicor/IT |
dteske |
Further Useful Information
Dinners are paid on individual basis, but all the places are booked in advance. The list of the current reservations can be found below.
(Add your photos (or link to galleries of photos) here.)
Information on Prior Developer Summits
Information on prior Developer Summits is available from the DevSummit page.