FreeBSD Developer Summit, May, 2008
This page describes the May 2008 FreeBSD Developer Summit, colocated with BSDCan 2008 which took place in Ottawa, Canada. This was a by-invitation event. FreeBSD committers were welcome to register themselves using this wiki, but non-committers must be sponsored by a committer to attend.
This event was loosely modeled on last year's DevSummit/200705, with some format changes to take into account better venue, a desire for more general hacking, etc. We anticipate the daily schedule remaining flexible, so please do not make travel plans expecting that things will remain at any particular time on any particular day of the summit. We highly encourage attendees to also attend BSDCan 2008.
How to SSH to freefall: ssh -o ProxyCommand="/usr/bin/nc -X connect -x %h %p" -p 443
Our annual BSDCan developer summit would not be possible without the generous support of sponsors.
The FreeBSD Foundation is organizing the summits and covering venue costs (room, AV, networking). The Foundation also offers travel grants to help cover travel costs for developers. We would prefer developers look to their employer first so that we can make this funding stretch as far as possible.
BSDCan provides logistical support, including organizing rooms for the event and for developers to stay in. BSDCan also covers board and travel for all BSDCan speakers. FreeBSD developers can help support the summit by speaking at BSDCan! You can also help support BSDCan and the developer summit by encouraging people to attend the conference, and especially to attend tutorials.
We are looking for additional sponsors to cover meals, especially catered lunches during the developer summit. Does your company use FreeBSD and want to help support the great development work? Buying lunch for 70+ starving developers and getting a chance to talk to them about what you do with FreeBSD is a great way to get your name your name out, not to mention keep their attention :-).
The FreeBSD developer summit takes place on the 14th and 15th of May, on the same days as the BSDCan tutorials (sorry!). Many developers will arrive on the night of the 13th and meet for dinner and drinks before things kick off. Most developers will stay on through BSDCan to give and attend talks. It is an excellent conference--a good FreeBSD developer showing has countless benefits, not least the opportunity to tell the world what we're doing.
You may be interested in this helpful map of UoO and its immediate vicinity.
Rough Schedule
We have rearranged the schedule since last year to have more open hacking time, which is more feasible with some talks offloaded onto the front end of BSDCan. Here's the current general plan:
Day |
Morning |
Lunch |
Afternoon |
Dinner |
Evening |
13th |
Dinner and drinks at the Royal Oak |
14th |
devsummit mini-talks |
- |
topic hacking |
Take-in Thai in FreeBSD Lounge |
FreeBSD Lounge |
15th |
devsummit mini-talks |
- |
topic hacking |
Dinner at Haveli |
FreeBSD Lounge |
16th BSDCan |
BSDCan |
FreeBSD Lounge |
17th BSDCan |
BSDCan |
FreeBSD Lounge |
18th BSDCan |
Breakfast at Cora's |
followed by tourist things |
Detailed Schedule
Morning sessions are held in a lecture hall able to seat 70-80 and with AV equipment. Afternoon sessions are held in one of two nearby rooms able to seat 30-40, and may not have AV equipment. As such, morning sessions are short(ish) talks, and afternoon sessions are BoFs.
Please arrive by 9:30am for the morning sessions so that we can get started around 10:00am.
Please add additional BoF topics here and below -- it's up to you to figure out how to keep busy during the afternoons, and a bit of planning ahead will allow people to think about the topics you want to discuss in advance!
14 May |
15 May |
9:00-10:00 |
Setup |
Setup |
10:00-10:20 |
Welcome (EdMaste, RobertWatson) |
Transparent TCP Interception (AdrianChadd) 20080510-TCP-Hijack.pdf |
10:20-10:40 |
GreenBSD (PoulHenningKamp) |
NFS Lock Manager (DougRabson) nlm-bsdcan08.pdf |
10:40-11:00 |
FreeBSD Foundation Update (JustinGibbs) |
11:00-11:20 |
Break |
Break |
11:20-11:40 |
Kernel booting via http (AlexeyTarasov) |
What's happening in the world of ports and portmgr (ErwinLansing) portmgr-BSDCan2008.pdf |
11:40-12:00 |
FreeBSD Embedded Report (RafalJaworowski) devsummit-200805-embedded_summary.pdf |
TCP SMP Scalability (RobertWatson) 20080515-stack-parallelism.pdf |
12:00-12:20 |
TTY layer (EdSchouten) 20080514-tty-rewrite.pdf |
Revising Revision Control (PeterWemm) |
12:20-12:40 |
12:40-13:00 |
Lunch |
Lunch |
13:00-13:20 |
13:20-13:40 |
13:40-14:00 |
Meeting of the Network Stack Cabal (wither mbufs, TCP bug forensics, modern driver structures, locking strategies, TCP intercept, ...) DOWNSTAIRS |
Syscons/input BoF (DOWNSTAIRS) |
TrustedBSD BoF (audit GSoC projects, MAC Framework in 8.0 GENERIC, new privilege model, etc) (UPSTAIRS - 359) |
BSDCan tutorial track: 802.11 (SamLeffler) (Note: requires paying fee) |
14:00-14:20 |
14:20-14:40 |
14:40-15:00 |
15:00-15:20 |
Break |
Break |
15:20-15:40 |
Profiling and debugging tools BoF DOWNSTAIRS |
Release packaging BoF UPSTAIRS |
Coverity (DOWNSTAIRS) |
file systems and buffer cache (UPSTAIRS - 359) |
15:40-16:00 |
16:00-16:20 |
16:20-16:40 |
16:40-17:00 |
Break |
Break |
17:00-17:20 |
VImage/virtualization BoF DOWNSTAIRS |
Low power FreeBSD BoF UPSTAIRS |
Virtualization/vimage part II (DOWNSTAIRS) |
Embedded stuff (UPSTAIRS - 359) |
17:20-17:40 |
17:40-18:00 |
18:00-18:20 |
18:20-18:40 |
18:40-19:00 |
Dinner |
Dinner |
19:00-19:20 |
19:20-19:40 |
19:40-20:00 |
20:00-20:20 |
20:20-20:40 |
20:40-21:00 |
21:00-... |
FreeBSD Lounge |
FreeBSD Lounge |
Topic Sessions and Topic Hacking
These sessions are intended to get developers with common areas of interest or specific projects in mind together for collaboration and hacking. They might involve prepared presentations, structured code reading, or a notebook-assisted whiteboard session. Advance preparation for such events is critical so everyone comes to the table with the right reading done so you can get to the meat of the matter.
Topic Session |
Session Leader |
Time |
Suggested by |
Description |
Meeting of the Network Stack Cabal |
Annual meeting of the Network Stack Cabal: where are we going, and why? Mostly TBD. |
Profiling and debugging tools BoF |
Session to brainstorm and hack on the topic of improving our profiling, debugging, and general infrastructure along these lines. |
syscons/input BoF |
syscons is scary. Input devices are important. Let's make them better. |
probe/attach/interrupt |
We should move probe/attach after interrupts are enabled so that they don't have to work two ways (boot/kldload) |
whither mbufs |
Mbufs are a target for kitchen sinks. How should sinks be supported? (net cabal?) |
buff cache |
Annual discussion of how badly this needs help. Hopefully some light at the end of the tunnel |
Infiniband |
Many companies and individuals have an interest in seeing an open-source IB stack. Let's get together and try to get some momentum. |
USB Cabal |
There is a good contender for an improved USB stack currently in p4. This session will be to talk about the techncial merits of this stack and device. Please register interest with Warner, and he'll either arrange an after hours session during BSDcan proper. |
Storage & file systems BOF |
GEOM and file systems. Discussion about ZFS, other file systems (where are they and how to lure them here). BLUFFS discussion would be nice. |
As a result of the last 2 Bugathons, we now have lots of new volunteers, new ideas, and some new PR reports. These are enough to give us an idea of how we make dealing with PRs much easier than we have in the past. |
Talk Descriptions
Just high level ideas for now. Tell us about your latest project, brainstorm on solutions to a hard problem, train us to use a new tool, make observations about a FreeBSD development process and how to improve it, tell us how your company uses FreeBSD, or coordinate activities.
Talk |
Speaker |
Length |
Description |
TrustedBSD Update |
15min |
Update on various TrustedBSD-related projects (Audit, MAC, etc). |
Textdumps |
10min |
What textdumps are, how they work, and new ideas for how to use them. |
15min |
The "new installer", its progress and advanced features |
portmgr update |
10min |
What's happening in the world of ports and portmgr |
FreeBSD Foundation update |
15min |
Update on the FreeBSD Foundation |
Callouts |
15min |
About the callout renovation |
Transparent Interception |
15min |
Transparent TCP Connection Hijacking/Interception support in FreeBSD |
Kernel booting via http |
15min |
Some words about such opportunity, overview of tiny TCP/IP stack |
TTY layer |
15min |
Small presentation on my efforts to rewrite the TTY layer |
Revising Revision Control |
30-40min |
Directions for FreeBSD src tree source control. Settle the VCS debate. What, why, and HOWTO. Possibly followed by a good, old fashioned brawl. |
TCP Forensics |
20min |
A look at how to use a few simple tools to debug subtle TCP issues in FreeBSD. Will also cover some problem case studies uncovered over the past year. |
In order to attend, you must register in advance; this allows us to size rooms, order food, provide beverages, and make dinner reservations. We appreciate your cooperation in letting us know your plans well in advance of the event. Non-committers must be sponsored by a committer in order to attend.
Developer Attendees
(Please keep sorted alphabetically by last name.)
Developer |
Username |
13th |
14th |
15th |
BSDCan 16th |
BSDCan 17th |
Notes |
mat |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arrive YUL May 13th, leave YUL May 19th; no special meals |
jhb |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
No travel plans yet; no special meals |
jb |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Flights delayed due to Chicago weather. Re-booked to arrive YOW @ 1028 on May 12 |
db |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
I live here |
adrian |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arrive 10 May; no special meals |
brd |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arrive YOW at 1842 on 5/13, depart 1238 on 5/18; no special meals |
brooks |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arrive YOW @ 1842 on 13th, leave @1238 on the 18th; no special meals |
pjd |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arrive YOW 11 May, 01:15, leave YOW 18 May, 14:00; no special meals |
julian |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arrive YOW 13th afternoon, leave early 18th |
gibbs |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arriving on 13th and leaving on 18th |
daichi |
no |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arriving on 13th and leaving on 18th |
raj |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arrive 13th evening, no special meals |
phk |
yes(?) |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arrive YOW 13th/AC889, Leave YOW 18th/AC888, no special meals |
erwin |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arriving YUL 10 May, 16:35, leave YUL 18 May, 18:25; no special meals |
sam |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arrive YOW May 13 18:42, leave May 17; no special meals |
linimon |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arriving by car 13 May, leaving 18 May; no special meals |
remko |
no |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arrive YOW May 13 15:35, Leave May 18; no special meals, girlfriend is flying along |
imp |
no |
no |
no |
yes |
yes |
Arrive YOW May 15th midnight, leave May 18th morning; no special meals |
mwlucas |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
arrive YOW May 13 11:45 AM, leave YOW May 18 6AM, no special meals |
kmacy |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arrive YOW May 13th evening; no special meals, please provide unflavored bottled water |
emaste |
likely |
yes |
yes |
no |
no |
mckusick |
yes |
yes |
yes |
no |
no |
No travel plans yet; no special meals |
marcel |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arrive: May 13th (9:40pm), Depart: May 18th (12:35pm); tasty food only |
gnn |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arriving YOW 13 May, leave 18 May; no special meals |
obrien |
maybe |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
No travel plans yet; no special meals |
andre |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arriving YOW 13 May, leave 19 May; no special meals |
philip |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arrive YOW 10 May, 15:35, leave YOW 18 May, 18:40; no special meals |
cperciva |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arrive YOW 13 May, 16:02, leave YOW 18 May, 17:00; if/when carbonated beverages are provided, please include diet coke or other non-sugared beverage |
alfred |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
csjp |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arriving May 13; no special meals |
dfr |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arrive YOW 13 May, 15:35, leave YOW 18 May, 18:40; no special meals |
attilio |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arrive YOW 13 May, leave YOW 18 May; no special meals |
jeff |
yes |
yes |
yes |
no |
no |
Arrive 13 May, leave 16 May; vegetarian (egg, milk, cheese ok) |
roberto |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arrive YOW 13 May, leave YOW 18 May; no special meals |
ps |
yes |
yes |
yes |
don't know |
don't know |
No travel plans yet; no special meals |
hrs |
no |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arriving on 13th and leaving on 18th |
silby |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arriving May 13th, ~5pm; no special meals |
kensmith |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
no |
Arriving May 13th, leaving May 17th; veggie meals |
rrs |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
No travel plans yet; no special meals |
thompsa |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arrive YOW 13 May, 16:02, leave YOW 18 May, 18:00;; no special meals |
ups |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
No travel plans yet; no special meals |
rwatson |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arriving YOW 13th/AC889, Leave YOW 18th/AC888; no special meals |
peter |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arriving YOW 13th 5:14pm UAL7598, leave YOW 18th 5:46pm UAL7598; no special meals |
dwhite |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arrive 5/13 on UAL7638, depart 5/18 on UAL6186; staying @ Les Suites |
bz |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arriving May 10, YOW 14:34, leaving May 18, YOW 18:00; no special meals |
Guest Attendees
Please keep this list alphabetized by attendee last name.
Guest |
Affiliation |
Developer Host |
13th |
14th |
15th |
BSDCan 16th |
BSDCan 17th |
Notes |
Eric Allman |
?? |
yes |
yes |
?? |
?? |
Verio |
?? |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
NetApp |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
FreeBSD Foundation |
no |
no |
yes |
yes |
yes |
No special meals |
Juniper Networks |
no |
maybe |
maybe |
yes |
yes |
Travel not booked yet; veg. |
Verio |
maybe |
yes |
yes |
?? |
?? |
No special meals |
Mark Hall |
Boeing |
?? |
yes |
yes |
?? |
?? |
Arriving May 11th |
IronPort + advocacy |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arrive YOW 13 May, 21:40 |
Isilon |
??? |
yes |
yes |
no |
no |
Peter Hunt |
Nokia |
?? |
yes |
yes |
maybe |
maybe |
No special meals |
Secure Computing |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
no special meals |
Marko Kiiskila |
Nokia |
?? |
yes |
yes |
no |
no |
No special meals |
BSDCan |
yes |
sometimes |
sometimes |
yes |
yes |
Mr. BSDCan; no special meals |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
No special meals |
Isilon |
??? |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
NetBSD + Coverity |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
No special meals |
TrustedBSD (bsmtrace) |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
no special meals |
SoC, U Waterloo |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
driving from Waterloo |
NetApp |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Juniper |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Snow B.V. |
no |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
same as RemkoLodder |
Verio |
?? |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Juniper Networks |
no |
maybe |
maybe |
yes |
yes |
Travel not booked yet; veg. |
Swinburne University |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arrive YOW 11 May, 16:00; leave YOW 18 May, 17:00; no special meals |
BrianTel |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
SoC |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
SummerOfCode2007; Arriving May 13, YOW, leaving May 18, YOW; no special meals |
SoC |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
SummerOfCode2007; Arriving May 12, YOW, leaving May 18, YOW; no special meals |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Networking; no special meals |
pfSense |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
no special meals |
Isilon |
??? |
yes |
yes |
yes |
no |
SoC |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
SummerOfCode2007; Arriving May 13, YOW, leaving May 18, YOW, no special meals |
Marko Zec |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
yes |
Arriving May 11th |
Travel Information
As this event is colocated with BSDCan 2008, all information on the BSDCan web page should apply. Here are some suggestions that may make planning easier:
Arrival date |
13th May 2008 |
Departure date |
18th May 2008 |
Travel method |
If traveling from outside Ottawa, fly into Ottawa's international airport (YOW), possibly transferring in Toronto (YYZ). Air Canada partners with United Airlines, and has direct flights from many US cities and London Heathrow (LHR) into Ottawa. |
Visas |
Many attendees will be able to use the Visa Waiver program, but check before traveling. If you need a formal invitation letter (never hurts), let us know. |
Where to stay |
Stay in the university residence halls, or if you really want a hotel, Les Suites. The university residence has two-person suites with private bedrooms but a shared bathroom and kitchenette, and is both clean and comfortable, as well as on-site for the summit. |
Remember that you must separately register for BSDCan; visit the BSDCan web page for details.
Information on Prior Developer Summits
See DevSummit.