Dtrace Hangout 26 May 2016
Some links from the DTraceConf in SF
Matt Ahrens DTrace XD (Extended DTrace) repo
This was the agenda:
11:15 Graeme - Distributed DTrace
- Max - (Useful!) DTrace intro, including DTrace production golf?
12:30 George - D language improvements
- Matt - D syntactic sugar Robert - CTF everywhere!
1:30 Eric - DTracing apps
- JoshC - DTrace json() subrouting Dan - Dynamic asserts
2:30 James - DTrace and Go
- Dave - DTrace and Postgres George - DTrace performance improvements with always-on instrumentation Gordon - DTrace ustack() performance improvements
3:30 Bryan - DTrace in the zone
- Ben and Alex - DTrace vulns George and Mark - Implementing (or not) fds[] in FreeBSD
5:00 George - OpenDTrace