Bugzilla Setup
FreeBSD relies on Bugzilla for problem reports and suggested patches.
There are two installations: kenobi (the production machine), and flytrap (the development machine).
As of 20250114, both of our installations are at This is downrev; see upstream's roadmap for the gory details.
- However, both installations have their own FreeBSD customizations and patches, meaning that updating is non-trivial. This page will attempt to quantify them.
Setting Up The Bugzilla Jail Itself
- production:
- bugzilla installed from pkg by clusteradm
- development:
bugzilla installed from cd ${PORTSDIR}/devel/bugzilla(50|52}; make install
- see README.md
- both:
- postgres and apache installed from pkg by clusteradm@
- postgres and apache configured by clusteradm@
- bugzilla config in apache done by clusteradm@
- external proxy config done by clusteradm@
Ensure that /etc/localtime exists and points to the correct timezone. Otherwise, the DateTime module will fail to work, resulting in a broken Bugzilla installation.
Clusteradm Package Customizations
for Bugzilla 5.2, s/50/52/ .
devel_bugzilla50_SET+=EXPORT_IMPORT devel_bugzilla50_SET+=GRAPHVIZ devel_bugzilla50_SET+=INBOUND_EMAIL devel_bugzilla50_SET+=JSONRPC devel_bugzilla50_SET+=LDAP devel_bugzilla50_SET+=MAIL_QUEUEING devel_bugzilla50_SET+=MIME_SNIFF devel_bugzilla50_SET+=MOREBUGSURL devel_bugzilla50_SET+=MOVE_BUGZ devel_bugzilla50_SET+=PGSQL devel_bugzilla50_SET+=REST devel_bugzilla50_SET+=XMLRPC
See also: @FreeBSD.org patches to Bugzilla/Auth/Verify/LDAP.pm; token.cgi.
Bugzilla Site Customizations
Do the first-level check. It will probably throw errors.
# cd /usr/local/www/bugzilla # chmod 775 . # chgrp -R bugzilla . # ./checksetup.pl
Edit /usr/local/www/bugzilla/localconfig (substituting clusteradm-supplied values for HOST, DB*, and SECRET):
$create_htaccess = 1; $webservergroup = 'bugzilla'; $use_suexec = 0; $db_driver = 'Pg'; $db_host = '<HOST>'; $db_name ='<DBNAME>'; $db_user = '<DBUSER>'; $db_pass = '<DBPASS>'; $db_port = 0; $db_sock = ''; $db_check = 1; $index_html = 0; $cvsbin = ''; $interdiffbin = '/usr/local/bin/interdiff'; $diffpath = '/usr/bin'; $site_wide_secret = '<SECRET>';
Ensure that the following have been done:
sysrc postgresql_enable="yes" sysrc postgresql_user="pgsql" sysrc postgresql_data="/usr/local/pgsql/data" service postgresql initdb
Create db user and database according to the installation guide:
# su - pgsql # createuser -d postgres -dRSP <DBUSER>
run ./checksetup.pl again
Add <bugmeister AT FreeBSD DOT org> as admin account.
Replace <DBNAME> database with the dump
service apache24 onestart
Login to the bugzilla instance
Go to Administration and make the following changes.
note: internally the below is stored as data/params.json. As stored, the file contents are sorted. Plus, "0" is used for "Off", "1" for "On".
Required Settings:
urlbase: setup the correct urlbase (e.g. https://bugs.freebsd.org/bugzilla/, https://bugstest.freebsd.org/bugzilla/) ssl_redirect: On (production), Off (development) sslbase: setup the correct sslbase (same as urlbase) cookiepath: /bugzilla/
maintainer: bugmeister@FreeBSD.org utf8: On announcehtml: see prod installation upgrade_notification: latest_stable_release (production), disabled (development)
Administrative Policies:
allowbugdeletion: Off allowemailchange: On allowuserdeletion: Off
User Authentication:
auth_env_*: keep all three empty user_info_class: CGI user_verify_class: FreeBSD,DB rememberlogin: defaulton requirelogin: Off emailregexp: [\\w\\.\\+\\-=]+@[\\w\\.\\-]+\\.[\\w\\-]+$ emailregexpdesc: A legal address must contain exactly one '@', and at least one '.' after the @. emailsuffix: empty createemailregexp: .* # !!!NOTE: leave this blank on the test system to disable external registration!!! password_complexity: no_constraints
allow_attachment_display: On attachment_base: https://bz-attachments.freebsd.org/ (production), empty (development) allow_attachment_deletion: On (production), Off (development) maxattachmentsize: 1000 maxlocalattachment: 0
Bug Change Policies:
duplicate_or_move_bug_status: Closed (requires changes to the bug status) letsubmitterchoosepriority: Off letsubmitterchoosemilestone: Off musthavemilestoneonaccept: Off commentonchange_resolution: Off commentonduplicate: Off noresolveonopenblockers: On
Bug Fields:
useclassification: Off usetargetmilestone: Off useqacontact: Off usestatuswhiteboard: Off use_see_also: On defaultpriority: --- defaultseverity: Affects Only Me (requires changes to the severity) defaultplatform: Any (requires changes to the plaform) defaultopsys: Any (requires changes to the opsys)
Dependency Graphs:
webdotbase: /usr/local/bin/dot
Group Security:
makeproductgroups: Off chartgroup: admin insidergroup: empty timetrackinggroup: empty querysharegroup: editbugs debug_group: admin usevisibilitygroups: On strict_isolation: Off
LDAPserver: ldap1.nyi.freebsd.org,ldap2.nyi.freebsd.org LDAPstarttls: On LDAPbinddn: empty LDAPBaseDN: ou=users,dc=freebsd,dc=org LDAPuidattribute: uid LDAPmailattribute: empty LDAPfilter: empty
leave all empty
mail_delivery_method: Sendmail (production), Test (development) mailfrom: bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.org (production), bugzilla-noreply-test@freebsd.org (development) use_mailer_queue: Off smtpserver: localhost smtp_username: empty smtp_password: empty smtp_ssl: Off smtp_debug: Off whinedays: 7 globalwatchers: empty
Patch Viewer:
leave all empty
Query Defaults:
quip_list_entry_control: moderated (production), closed (development) mostfreqthreshold: 2 (XXX not found 20250114) mybugstemplate: buglist.cgi?resolution=---&emailassigned_to1=1&emailreporter1=1&emailtype1=exact&email1=%userid% defaultquery: emailassigned_to1=1&emailassigned_to2=1&emailreporter2=1&emailcc2=1&emailqa_contact2=1&emaillongdesc3=1&order=Importance&long_desc_type=substring search_allow_no_criteria: On default_search_limit: 500 max_search_results 12500
MCL 20231130 max_search_results being 10000 has been too low for some time. I have raised it.
Shadow Database:
leave all empty
User Matching:
usemenuforusers: Off ajax_user_autocompletion: On maxusermatches: 50 confirmuniqueusermatch: Off
cookiedomain: host part of the urlbase (e.g. bugs.freebsd.org, bugstest.freebsd.org) inbound_proxies:,2001:1900:2254:206a::50:0, proxy_url: empty strict_transport_security: this_domain_only (production), off (development)
Installed Bugzilla Addons
It appears as of 20231201 we do not use any of these addons.
Installed Bugzilla Extensions
For reference, see the somewhat out-of-date Bugzilla Extension tutorial.
Also see the current list of upstream's supported Extensions (claimed)
The extension files are deployed in:
Deployment Matrix
Unless otherwise specified, the upstream for our local patches is FreeBSD Bugzilla github. MarkLinimon uses the linimon Bugzilla git repo as a staging area of 20241231.
Bugzilla Extensions |
Extension Name |
author |
installed on prod |
installed on dev |
upstream |
comments |
FreeBSD |
Y |
Y |
BayotBase |
Jolla Ltd. |
Y |
N |
production is one revision behind upstream |
BugViewPlus |
Jolla Ltd. |
Y |
N |
Dashboard |
FreeBSD |
Y |
Y |
FBSDAutoAssign |
FreeBSD |
Y |
Y |
FreeBSDBugUrls |
FreeBSD |
Y |
Y |
HideComponents |
FreeBSD |
Y |
Y |
HideSPAM |
FreeBSD |
Y |
Y |
InlineHistory |
FreeBSD |
Y |
Y |
Reporting |
FreeBSD |
Y |
Y |
SVNLinks |
FreeBSD |
Y |
Y |
(see note below) |
SpamDelete |
FreeBSD |
Y |
Y |
SubscribeField |
Jolla Ltd. |
Y |
N |
XXX TODO in progress
field.js fix submitted upstream but also now in files/XXX TODO
cd /var/www/local/bugzilla/extensions git clone https://github.com/bayoteers/BayotBase.git git clone https://github.com/bayoteers/BugViewPlus.git NOTYET git clone https://github.com/bayoteers/SubscribeField.git cd ../.. patch < /home/linimon/clusteradm.patch
Implementation Details
If you want to find out which pages can be displayed (whether or not they appear in the Toolbar), do the following:
grep page.cgi /usr/local/www/bugzilla/extensions/*/template/en/default/pages/*.tmpl
Note: the SVNLinks title is obsolete -- the Git code now lives in there as well. So don't delete/disable it!
Local Bugzilla Patches
There are several types of patches:
porting patches (e.g. s@/usr/bin/perl@/usr/local/bin/perl@)
- rollup patches from upstream
- clusteradm patches. These only affect installations actually deployed on @FreeBSD.org machines.
affected: Auth/Verify/LDAP.pm, token.cgi
- localizations of template files
- Bugzilla is engineered to use each file automatically if they exist.
The localizations live in ./template/en/custom/
These override the default fallbacks which live in ./template/en/default/
# git clone https://github.com/freebsd/bugzilla # cp -rfv bugzilla/* /usr/local/www/bugzilla # /usr/local/www/bugzilla/checksetup.pl # chown -R bugzilla /usr/local/www/bugzilla/data/mining # chmod g+rx /usr/local/www/bugzilla/weeklyreminder.pl
AutoAssigner support:
document git replacement TODO 202050103
# mkdir /home/ports # chown bugzilla:bugzilla /home/ports # su - bugzilla # cd /home/ports # svn checkout svn://svn.freebsd.org/ports/head .
Crontab for bugzilla (production only):
You need to call out perl explicitly because otherwise checksetup.pl resets the group permission of *.pl, and thus bugzilla crontab cannot run them! in progress 20250103
@reboot /usr/local/bin/fetchmail -d 60 >/dev/null 2>&1 */15 * * * * /usr/local/bin/fetchmail -d 60 >/dev/null 2>&1 MAILTO=bugmeister@freebsd.org 5 0 * * * cd /usr/local/www/bugzilla; perl ./collectstats.pl 2>&1 | grep -v deprecated 5 3 * * * cd /usr/local/www/bugzilla; perl ./sync_freebsd_committers.pl 2>&1 | grep -v deprecated 55 0 * * * cd /usr/local/www/bugzilla; perl ./whineatnews.pl 2>&1 | grep -v deprecated */15 * * * * cd /usr/local/www/bugzilla; perl ./whine.pl 2>&1 | grep -v deprecated | grep -v Insecure | grep -v uninitialized */15 * * * * cd /home/ports && /usr/local/bin/git pull >/dev/null 2>&1 0 21 * * 0 cd /usr/local/www/bugzilla; perl ./weeklyreminder.pl 2>&1 | grep -v deprecated
Document upgrade steps. Will reorganize/merge this section with Deployment section to the extent that they may overlap after we have described an upgrade process completely here in standalone form
Database Backups
FreeBSD Bugzilla Extensions come with a small database backup script, dbbackup.sh. It expects a backup directory /var/backups/bugzilla with enough space to store a minimum of 15 backups (one per day, 14 days). Backups older than 14 days are deleted automatically, once a new backup was created.
Change the DBNAME and DBUSER entries within dbbackup.sh to point to the correct database.
Crontab for root (database backups):
MAILTO=clusteradm-alerts@freebsd.org,bugmeister@FreeBSD.org 0 3 * * * cd /usr/local/www/bugzilla/contrib && env PATH="${PATH}:/usr/local/bin" sh dbbackup.sh
These are not quirks! They are bugs w/rt permissions with things run from bugzilla crontab! But as of 20250114, they are believed fixed.
cron weeklyreminder.pl Can't open perl script "./weeklyreminder.pl": Permission denied
Fix: # chmod g+rx /usr/local/www/bugzilla/weeklyreminder.pl
cron collectstats.pl Unable to open the chart datafile ./data/mining/0.
Fix: # chown -R bugzilla /usr/local/www/bugzilla/data/mining
This documents some obsolete garbage that is still live on kenobi as of 20240615.
There are two email addresses handled in /home/bugzilla/.fetchmailrc.
username bugdrop
freebsd-gnats-submit@freebsd.org is still live as of 20240615. MarkLinimon considers this a bug.
input is snarfed via pop3 from freefall into /home/bugzilla/q on kenobi in /home/bugzilla/recv.sh.
- in almost all cases the content is crap. Each piece of crap creates an email "NOT A PR" or similar to bugmeister@.
in a few miserable cases "freebsd-gnats-submit@freebsd.org" is in the Cc: of antique PRs. This
- should never have happened in the first place.
Suggestion: orbital railgun.
username bzapi
I'm not sure about this one.
input is snarfed via pop3 from freefall into /usr/local/www/bugzilla/email_in.pl. This is part of the standard Bugzilla distribution.
- But ... what is it doing?