FUSE UFS driver
Student: BenjaminStuerz (benni@)
Mentor: AlanSomers (asomers@), KirkMcKusick (mckusick@)
Project description
The goal is to create a read-only FUSE implementation of FreeBSD's UFSv2.
A read-only fusefs UFS driver.
TODO: (5-10 milestones, with dates, indicating when you hope or expect to be able to complete features. This section is mandatory. Please negotiate these with your mentor to make sure you're not under- or over-estimating the amount of work to be done. Please also make sure the following four dates are included within your milestones)
- May 31st: Start of coding
- July 8th - July 12th: Mid-term Evaluations
- August 19th - August 26th - Final week
Test Plan
Testing is done using Cirrus CI on GitHub. The test suite was initially provided by Alan Somers.
The Code
Useful resources
- https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/989.990 - The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD operating system