This article describes some ideas for stimulating Java on FreeBSD.
Overall the amount of documentation and descriptive information should be improved. Some specific ideas follow.
Javavmwrapper Guide
The javavmwrapper tool is powerful, but probably not well-known. Describe the tool in a simple manner and make it available in an official easy to find places. This so that people know how to use the various JDKs that are installed without using aliases or modifying PATH. Same for describing where to find and how to use installed JAR files (see PR/56928).
Suggested by:
- Not started. Volunteer is welcome.
Review and suggest improvements. A lot of information over there is probably highly outdated and there may be quite a few dead links.
Suggested by:
- Not started. Volunteer is welcome.
HOWTO for Apache 2 and Tomcat 6
Describe how Apache 2 and Tomcat 6 can be made to work together in an elegant and secure manner.
Suggested by:
Done: ErnstDeHaan/AppServerJails.
Why Java on FreeBSD
Elaborate on why one should prefer running Java on FreeBSD instead of Linux or Solaris.
Suggested by:
In progress, an e-mail has been sent to the freebsd-java mailing list and various people have provided valuable input.
JDK port information
Provide up-to-date information on the status of the JavaSE 5 port, the expectencies regarding the JavaSE 6 port. Detail the characteristics of the ports, such as stability, security and performance compared to other platforms.
Suggested by:
- Not started. Volunteer is welcome.
Java benchmark port
Have an official Java benchmark in the ports tree, so people can easily test performance on their own machine.
Suggested by:
- Not started. A volunteer to submit a draft port for inclusion in the Ports Tree is welcome!