Stefano Garzarella

I'm Ph.D. Student at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione(Department of ICT Engineering) of the University of Pisa, Italy. (Advisors: Prof. Luigi Rizzo and Giuseppe Lettieri).

I'm working on several kernel and user space projects, particularly in the virtualization and networking fields. I'm FreeBSD and Linux developer since 2013.

I'm getting involve in Google Summer of Code 2015 (GSoC2015) to develop A FreeBSD/bhyve version of the netmap virtual passthrough for VMs. under Prof. Luigi Rizzo mentorship.


<stefano AT SPAMFREE freebsd DOT org>

<stefanogarzarella AT SPAMFREE gmail DOT com>

GitHub Page

Talks & Papers

AsiaBSDcon2015 - ptnetmap: a netmap passthrough for virtual machines - slides

EuroBSDcon2014 - Software segmentation offloading for FreeBSD (GSO - Generic Segmentation Offload) - slides site code


StefanoGarzarella (last edited 2017-09-18T12:38:52+0000 by KubilayKocak)