Satish Srinivasan
Email: <sathya AT SPAMFREE freebsd DOT org>
Developing BSD licensed tools for importing, exporting from/to Linux audit log format and BSM. Mentor: StaceySon.
Primary Objectives: log2bsm
- Implement Linux Audit format to BSM converter
- Implement NT Audit format to BSM converter
Secondary Objectives: bsm2log
- Convert BSM log format to Linux and NT
Project Roadmap:
Until May 25th
- Read from mentor's "reading list"-- read man style, man libbsm, play with audit_control and look at praudit and friends' code.
May 31st
Complete investigation on Linux' Audit Format as documented at and preparing XSLT for both the BSM and Linux formats. Finalize the Design.
June 25th
- Complete implementing log2bsm' "-t linux" switch for converting linux format to bsm. Lint + Test (and Debug) the code to verify its correctness.
July 6th
- Investigation on NT Audit log format. Midterm Evaluations.
July 30th
- Complete implementing log2bsm' "-t nt" switch for converting nt format to bsm. Prepare a Manual page for log2bsm.
- Preparing back converters, i.e bsm to other formats if time permits or other work required to satisfactorily complete my primary objectives.